At baconbuddies we believe that local thriving communities are the key. That's why we're commited to keeping our
communities knitted together and driving forward. Rog, here at baconbuddies, has very strong feelings on this
subject, and feels businesses within communities should give something back to the very people that make those
businesses prosper and grow.
The 'ONE% for the community' was Rog's brainchild and it's baconbuddies' way of giving back a little bit of what we take out.
This is how is works - every year we pledge to give 1% of our profit to grassroots community projects in our local area.
That said, we're a brand new business and we'll be struggling a bit ourselves for a wee while. But, once we have something
to give, rest assured we'll endeavour to make good on our promise.
To find out more about 'ONE% for the community' email us at:
Every so often we produce a
newsletter called 'oink!'. It's for
anyone who'd like to read about
our progress on the land.
So, if you'd like to follow us simply
click the link below and email us saying you'd like our newsletter
and we'll email it over to you.