Sad days at the land

20th March 2012

Two young boys kicked one of our piglets to death over the weekend. An eye witness said that they were around
14 years of age. Obviously we're all extremely sad, not only for the poor piglet but for the young lads that did this
thing. The teenagers obviously need help, hopefully they'll be caught and receive the necessary counselling.


Below is the piglet that was killed. Please email us if you have any information, thank you.


Pigs in Febish

23rd November 2011

Our new pigs are in mum at the moment and due to be born on or around the 11th Jan 2012. It's all very very exciting. We're up-ing the steaks, or should I say chops, this year and getting 4 pigs. We're also opting for a different breed. Last time we had Berkshires, this time we're having 4 lovely Oxford Sandy & Blacks. They're coming from here, have a look around their site - there's some great stuff. Keep checking this blog, we'll post pics of the little fellas or fellaretts up here when they arrive.

Oxford  Sandy And Black